
Cornell-Ithaca MOU and Student Population Increase

Cornell-Ithaca MOU and Student Population Increase From: Diane Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2023 06:33:38 To add a little more context to the ongoing discussion on Cornell's contribution to the city budget in lieu of taxes, I want to raise the issue of population growth. To me, as a 30-plus year city resident, this is a notable fact that does not seem to come up much, if at all, in discussions. 

"No 20-Year Deal and No Gag Order” Petition

Appeal from John Graves Fri, Sep 29, 2023 at 9:30 AM

Essential Facts and Numbers that need to be commonly known and understood by us all

Institutions like Cornell currently have no legal obligation to pay anything to their home communities.  Many institutions, and more every day, believe   that they have a social obligation to pay their fair share and that their privileged tax-exempt  status needs to be updated, and adjusted for the realities of the times.   There is a movement afoot around this issue. Communities with large tax-exempt footprints are rising up against the burden they create. It’s happening in college towns all over the US.  The burden and the movement are not myths. Big universities have enjoyed their tax-free status for more than 50 years.   The 1969 Tax Reform Act created universities' tax-exempt status by developing Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Code: to support public goods such as education and philanthropy.  But when educational institutions activities are in fact for-profit under the umbrella of non-profit it's time for change.  ...

What if the MOU renewal date were June 30, 2026?

Dear reader you're likely first response would be "But it isn't!"

Concerns... Does CPI-U Make Sense?

Does CPI-U make sense?  Does Duration? Does Gag Clause?    Letter to Common Council - September 19 - From Jason Houghton 

PILOT rather than MOU

OP ED: Pilot Rather Than MOU - September 11, 2023   Submitted by Margherita Fabrizio -  Ithaca City Resident and Democratic Nominee for the Ithaca Common Council, 5th Ward, 4-year  seat 607  351 6631

Cornell’s Tax-Exempt Status & Ithaca’s Bottom Line

  Margherita Fabrizio   Feb 15, 2023,   Updated  Feb 16, 2023 - Ithaca Times

Building A Partnership: How Cornell Can ‘Do the Greatest Good’ for Ithaca

  Margherita Fabrizio     Apr 24, 2023,   Updated  Apr 24, 2023 - Ithaca Times Article

The history and future of the Cornell-Ithaca Memorandum of Understanding

August 23, 2023  -   By Mikayla "Mack" Rovenolt  as reported in the Tompkins Weekly